Changes in the approach to rainwater and meltwater management in the suburban area from a resident perspective Cover Image

Zmiany w podejściu do gospodarowania wodą opadową i roztopową w strefie podmiejskiej z perspektywy mieszkańców
Changes in the approach to rainwater and meltwater management in the suburban area from a resident perspective

Author(s): Dorota Mantey
Subject(s): Physical Geopgraphy, Environmental Geography, Rural and urban sociology, Environmental interactions
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: rainwater; meltwater; water management; suburban area; municipality of Piaseczno;

Summary/Abstract: The consequences of climate change have shifted the approach to the rainwater discharge. New legal regulations, which force the inhabitants to change their behavior and impose additional financial burdens on them, have become an opportunity to revise the existing social attitudes towards the management of rain- and meltwater in suburban settlements. The aim of the article is to identify attitudes towards small retention in the context of changes in water law (both introduced and planned) among the inhabitants of three types of suburban areas in the Piaseczno municipality near Warsaw. The study verifies the hypothesis according to which the attitudes towards small retention differ depending on the type of built environment. It also answers the question of whether the type of suburban areas should differentiate the actions of local authorities aimed at rationalizing rainwater management. The article presents the results of a survey and interviews conducted among those residents of the municipality who have the option of using small retention on their own plot. Contrary to urban villages, residents of suburban areas with more dispersed housing and less paved surface are more open to the use of more effective small retention devices, in order to reduce the costs associated with the use of water and/or sewage, and pay a lower rain tax after its possible introduction. At the same time, they feel much more obliged to manage rainwater on their own property, without transferring full responsibility to the municipalityincluding the costs associated with it. On the other hand, the municipality is expected to adjust its intervention and subsidies to the specificity of individual settlements.

  • Issue Year: 67/2022
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 131-150
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Polish
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