Human resources in the textile industry of the Republic of Macedonia Cover Image

Човечките ресурси во текстилната индустрија во Република Македонија
Human resources in the textile industry of the Republic of Macedonia

Author(s): Verica Janeska
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Економски институт - Скопје
Keywords: human resources; textile industry; Republic of Macedonia;

Summary/Abstract: The aim of the analyze in this paper is to identify the current situation and manifested problems concerning the labor force in textile industry in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as, the necessary measures and activities for obtaining the needed labor force. In that sense, the subject of observation is the scope and structural features of the engaged labor force and her territorial distribution, than the need of labor force and the necessary measures and activities that should be taken concerning the human resources in the textile industry. The results of the research have shown that, today, the textile industry in the Republic of Macedonia is faced with serious lack of needed labor force. This situation could be overcome with active participation of all factors (on macro, mezzo and micro level) in the course of promotion of spatial and professional mobility of the labor force, entire application of the "Low for the labor relations" and proper treatment of the labor force, increase of salaries, improvement of working conditions and implementation of other forms of human resource motivations. The improvement of the textile industry in great part is determined by the human resources development. It should be evolved by the increasing of the quality of education, education that create employability and improvement of labor market infrastructure. Particular attention should de focused on the formal education, as well as, on all forms of the informal education, necessary for the quality improvement of the employed and unemployed. The emphasized importance of the labour force for the textile industry development implicate upgrading of qualificational level of the employed and introduction of contemporary human resource management. As for the introduction of human resource management in the textile companies, it is important to point out the need for: continuous training of the workers in the direct production; development of the industrial service economy and improvement of the human resource quality in the non productional sector of companies; organizing of trainings for different aspects of improvement of human resources for fast reaction; regular training and rising of the knowledge and skills level of the top management.

  • Issue Year: 9/2007
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 25-50
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Macedonian
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