The Fulfillment of Baptismal Oaths in the Sacrament of Monastic Tonsure Cover Image

Испуњење крштењских завета у Светој Тајни монашког пострига
The Fulfillment of Baptismal Oaths in the Sacrament of Monastic Tonsure

Author(s): Nenad Tupeša
Subject(s): Eastern Orthodoxy
Published by: Православни богословски факултет „Свети Василије Острошки“
Keywords: Baptism; monastic tonsure; ascetics; symbol; hierarchy; way of existence;

Summary/Abstract: Understanding the Sacrament of Baptism in the context of the Orthodox ascetics is a key to the true interpretation of the monastic tonsure as a Sacrament. Baptism and monastic tonsure are essentially based on the ascetic ethos and the ascetics is the one through which a Christian realizes his way of life according to the Christ. The Fulfillment of this new way of existence, which is founded on the Christ, is being accomplished firstly by the Baptism and through the renunciation of the world and the mode of the existence according to the essence which ends by the death as well as being accomplished by monastic ascetics as the most authentic form of the Christian life which has the fulfillment of the baptismal vows. Since there are many patristic interpretations of the Sacrament of Baptism, it would be impossible to analyze all the aspects of this great Mystery of the introduction to the Church as well as the Sacrament of the Tonsure. For this reason, this short study aims to give an insight to some aspects of the Sacrament of Baptism in the First and the Second Catechesis written by St Cyril of Jerusalem, which in the greatest parts have provided basis for later interpretations, especially on the field of the liturgical symbolism. Monastic tonsure, which is considered as not being one of the Sacraments by many theologians, has been viewed in a completely different way in the interpretation of St Dionysius the Pseudo Areopagite with its rich symbolic interpretations, which are inexhaustibly linked to the Baptism. Namely, this interpretation of these in the Mystery initiated authors can completely confirm sacramental relation between these two sacraments.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 16
  • Page Range: 8-17
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Serbian
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