The Prayer of Anamnesis in Western Liturgies Cover Image

Молитва анамнезе у неким западним анафорама
The Prayer of Anamnesis in Western Liturgies

Author(s): Nenad Tupeša
Subject(s): Comparative Studies of Religion, Systematic Theology, Eastern Orthodoxy
Published by: Православни богословски факултет „Свети Василије Острошки“
Keywords: Anaphora; Liturgy; anamnesis; Eucharist; prayer; Last Supper; words of institution;

Summary/Abstract: The Eucharistic experience of God’s Church is witnessed by its liturgical tradition, and especially by its sacred and perfect reminiscence. Eucharistic reminiscence is a revelation of the Kingdom of God as eternal present accompanied by the past and the future. Due to the force of such an experience, complete incarnated theology, i.e. Liturgy, is understood as a great reminiscence (anamnesis) that includes thanksgiving, offering, and invocation of the Holy Spirit. That is why in all liturgical types the sacred reminiscence occupies the central position because it witnesses the great mystery of piety in which we enter and experience it in untold ways. We always feel need to be present at the hierurgical reminiscence, theologizing about it as something that happened, that happens, and that will happen, according to God’s promise. Feeling that same thirst for incarnated theology, the author explored the position and theological content of the prayer of anamnesis in most ancient Hippolyte’s anaphora and in certain Western Liturgies. This approach to prayer of anamnesis enables us to review all other elements of prayer of anaphora that make a single whole.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 15
  • Page Range: 28-37
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Serbian
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