Nativitas Martini Luther heretici, czyli o horoskopie urodzenia Marcina Lutra w zbiorach Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej
Nativitas Martini Luther heretici, or the Birth Horoscope of Martin Luther in the Collection of the Jagiellonian Library
Author(s): Ewa Śnieżyńska-Stolot , Sylwia Konarska-ZimnickaSubject(s): History, Political history, Social history, Modern Age
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej
Keywords: Martin Luther; Michał Falkener of Wrocław; astrology in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; natal charts; prognostics
Summary/Abstract: Martin Luther was a prominent person who had a great impact on 16th century Europe. Some people regarded him as a distinguished religious leader and reformer who noticed the need to improve the situation in the Catholic Church, while others sawhim as a heretic who caused a split within the Church. He and everything related to him attracted significant interest of both his contemporaries and people living in later times. Astrology was a field of study which, in the Middle Ages and early modern times, explained all events by means of planetary determinism or predestination, particularly by the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction. In the Jagiellonian Library, there is a text which has not been discussed before, entitled Nativitas Martini Luther, heretici, which consists of a birth chart, a fragment of Luther’s letter to his father in 1521, as well as a iudicium. The article contains a detailed analysis of this horoscope and a source annex with the text of the source.
Journal: Res Historica
- Issue Year: 2022
- Issue No: 54
- Page Range: 95-121
- Page Count: 27
- Language: Polish