Imago mortis. Holenderskie pośmiertne portrety dziecięce z XVI-XIX wieku.
Imago mortis. Dutch Post-mortem Portraits of Children in 16th-19th Centuries.
Author(s): Piotr OczkoSubject(s): Cultural history, Visual Arts, History of Art
Published by: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Dutch culture; Dutch painting; post mortem portraits; dead children;
Summary/Abstract: A given paper presents and discusses the Dutch phenomenon of portraying dead children from the 16th to 19th century in painting and drawing (75 representations altogether). Various iconographi- cal variations in this genre have been specified and analysed. An attempt has been made to explain this quite an unprecedented in Europe practice by relating it to a wide context, like e.g. cultural and social factors, the attitude of the 17th century Dutchwomen and Dutchmen towards children, writings, social habits and family values.
Journal: Biuletyn Historii Sztuki
- Issue Year: 84/2022
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 253-310
- Page Count: 58
- Language: Polish