The Impact of the War in Ukraine on European security. Can NATO'S Nuclear Shield Prevent a Nuclear Strike in Europe and Its Territory Cover Image

Отражението на войната в Украйна върху европейската сигурност. Може ли ядреният щит на НАТО да предотврати ядрен удар в Европа и в частност на територията на ЕС
The Impact of the War in Ukraine on European security. Can NATO'S Nuclear Shield Prevent a Nuclear Strike in Europe and Its Territory

Author(s): Monika Panayotova, Mihail Haralampiev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Special Historiographies:, Security and defense, Military policy, Russian Aggression against Ukraine
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: super-nuclear powers; nuclear weapons; possible use; first strike; retaliatory strikes; global conflict

Summary/Abstract: The war between Russia and Ukraine has raised strong concerns that tensions have arisen between the two super-nuclear powers over the possible use of nuclear weapons. This precedent raises the question of how the security of Europe and the world will be ensured if tactical nuclear weapons are actually used in the course of hostilities. The first strike with nuclear munitions is likely to trigger retaliatory strikes, which will involve nuclear forces in a global conflict. The aim of the development is to study possible scenarios, as well as to analyse the possibilities for avoiding nuclear conflicts.

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