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Două jertfe
Two sacrifices

Author(s): Dan Ciachir
Subject(s): Romanian Literature, History of Communism, Cultural Essay
Published by: Renaşterea Cluj
Keywords: Marcel Petrişor; communist regime; political detention; Archimandrite Emanuil Rus; Bixad monastery;

Summary/Abstract: This article evokes the late writer Marcel Petrişor and the abbot of Bixad monastery in Maramureş county, Archimandrite Emanuil Rus, who were recently killed by the universal plague. Marcel Petrisor was one of the best writers both during the era of the totalitarian regime, when he manifested himself as a prose writer and aesthetician, and after the collapse of the communist regime. He was one of the few people who in the 70s said without hesitation that they had been in political prison. Father Emanuil Rus entered the Rohia monastery as a brother when he was very young and was one of Nicolae Steinhardt’s disciples. In 1990, still a young hieromonk, father Emanuil became the abbot of the Bixad Monastery, which was in a state of degradation and abandonment. An outstanding theologian, a brilliant preacher whom I heard speak on many occasions, father Emanuil Rus also held a doctorate in philology. A man of books and at the same time extremely versed in administrative meanderings, he revived this monastery that had gone through many trials, including the oppression of the uniatism and later of the communist regime. He was a very valued person in the Maramureş area.

  • Issue Year: XVI/2022
  • Issue No: 12
  • Page Range: 48-50
  • Page Count: 3
  • Language: Romanian
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