W przededniu transformacji. Studium pewnego dziennika osobistego
The Day before Political Transformation. A Study of a Certain Intimate Diary
Author(s): Daniel Wicenty, Michał PrzeperskiSubject(s): Political history, Social history, Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
Published by: Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: political transformation in Poland; social history; personal diaries; Polish society and intelligentsia in the 1980s;
Summary/Abstract: This article analyses the diaries of Teresa Konarska, a pensioner of landed gentry origins but also a diarist and observer of political life. The selected volumes of journals, written between August 1988 and April 1989, provide an opportunity to study the mentality, opinions and emotions of the intelligentsia’s vision of the social and political world. The authors identify its key elements: politics as the domain of actors, the dichotomous division of the world (party people vs Solidarity people, ‘up to the scratch’ vs fools), a sense of threat, hopelessness and decline. In conclusion, they set this subjective vision within the context of the knowledge of Polish society in the 1980s and the antecedents of the phenomena that became visible in the 1990s.
Journal: Polska 1944/45 - 1989
- Issue Year: 2022
- Issue No: 20
- Page Range: 245-273
- Page Count: 29
- Language: Polish