Problematyka kompetencji cyfrowych kadr administracji publicznej jako istotnego czynnika procesu transformacji cyfrowej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce
The issue of digital competencies of public administration staff is an important factor in the digital transformation process of local government units
Author(s): Anna ŁukaszukSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Public Administration
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: administrative law; digital competencies; digital transformation; local government units; human resources of public administration
Summary/Abstract: In the surrounding reality of modern technologies, digital competencies play an essential role in the development process. Progress in the field of competence improvement in digital public administration staff is unsatisfac-tory and is a major barrier to the process of digital transformation of public administration. For many years it has been signaled a problem related to the shortage of both highly qualified staff and knowledge on the side of publicadministration around modern ICT technologies and IT management. An equally, important issue is the level of these competencies. In the context of performing tasks in public administration, they cannot be limited only to thepurely technical sphere, but above all, they should have a practical dimension to the use of digital technologies, which consists in responding to the real needs of citizens, removing barriers, simplifying processes, and reducing thecosts of own operation. Development issues digital competencies of public administration staff are an important issue in the digital transformation of local government units, which should be understood as all the changes taking pla-ce in local government regarding services, processes, resources, and organizational culture of the local government and competences using digital technologies. The article aims to analyze the issues of competence developmentdigital in public administration on the example of the digital transformation process that takes place in local government units. Considerations made in the article are to be used to determine the problems occurring in this matter,as well as to determine the causes.
Journal: Studia Prawnoustrojowe
- Issue Year: 2022
- Issue No: 58
- Page Range: 287-313
- Page Count: 27
- Language: Polish