Reflection of Migration to Contemporary Art Practices Cover Image

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Reflection of Migration to Contemporary Art Practices

Author(s): Songül Mollaoğlu
Subject(s): Semiology, Migration Studies, Sociology of Art
Published by: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Keywords: Migration; Postmodern Art Practices; Semiotics; Semiotic Analysis;

Summary/Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the reflection of today's art practices related to migration according to Barthes' semiotic analysis. In the study, the literature review was used to form a theoretical basis for the phenomenon of migration. In addition, the semiotic analysis method was used in the analysis of visual art practices related to migration. The practices of Halil Altındere (Meatball Airlines), Ai Wewei (The Law of Travel), Tammam Azzam (Bon Voyage: New York, Bon Voyage: Suria) and Bruno Catalano (Parçalar, Venice) were examined with the purposeful sampling method. In all practices, there are indicators such as migrations, exclusion, poverty, being the other, culture, identity, stigma perception and marginalization, as well as the destructive and damaging physical images of the war and conflicts that are experienced today. The phenomenon of migration, the difficulties of migration on social life and the reflections of changes in sociological practices on the individual and society were strongly emphasized.As a result, in these studies, the problems that arise with migration, which have social, cultural and psychological dimensions, have been tried to be made visible from an artistic point of view. It has been revealed that the stakeholders have not developed effective solutions to the problems that arise with migration, and it has been requested to develop the necessary sensitivity regarding migration in the world public opinion.

  • Issue Year: 21/2023
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 315-332
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Turkish
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