Епифания на свети отец Паисий Хилендарски на Студентската научна конференция в УНИБИТ Свети отец Паисий Хилендарски и днес се моли за България
Epiphany of Holy Father Paisii Hilendarski at the Student Scientific Conference at UNIBIT Holy Father Paisii Hilendarski still prays for Bulgaria
Author(s): Ivan Popov, Mariyana MatovaSubject(s): Library and Information Science, Other
Published by: Национална библиотека »Св. св. Кирил и Методий«
Keywords: XVIII Student scientific conference and exhibition of ULSIT with international participation – 20 May 2022 – 402 reports from which 12 by foreign students: 9 from USA, 2 from Russia and 1 from UK; Aca
Summary/Abstract: Prospect of XVIII Student scientific conference and exhibition of ULSIT with international participation – 20 May 2022: 1) St. Ft. Paisiy Hilendarski today prays for Bulgaria : Academic interaction of the Student Scientific Society at ULSIT TO BE BULGARIAN (HOMO SCRIBENS)(script and staging of Prof. Alexandra Kumanova and Nikolay Vasilev edited by Ft. Stefan Pashov), the stage is situated on the exhibition platform with historical reconstruction of St. Athos cloister – Zograf Monastery in which in 1762 St. Ft. Paisiy completed his HIstoria… (historiography: Prof. Milen Kumanov), epiphany is written in the style of the oratory and are used the texts from: Holy Writ, Cyprian prayer, St. John Damascene, Old Bulgarian apocrypha of Mother of God, ode Paisiy by Ivan Vazov, as well as autors’ personal insights; 2) Forum is presided over by Prof. DSc Irena Pеteva – Rector of ULSIT, and Prof. DSc Stoyan Denchev – President of the General Assembly of the University; 3) There are traditionally three sections: I. LIBRARY STUDIES, BIBLIOGRAPHY, BOOK SCIENCE; II. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES; III. CULTURAL-HISTORICAL HERITAGE; 4) Presented are 402 reports from which 12 by foreign students: 9 from USA, 2 from Russia and 1 from UK; 5) From Bulgaria take part students and doctoral students, not only from ULSIT, but also from Sofia University; 6) Forum is realized alive under regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science (01.01.2017) and Contract НИП-2022-01 of 14.02.2022 on subject: Civic competence of the researcher in personal, linguistic and technological approaches of the information modeling of the Student Scientific Society at ULSIT directed by Prof. Alexandra Kumanova; 7) 3705 publications of students from Bulgaria, UK, Russia, Hungary for 2005-2022 in the framework of the SSS at ULSIT; 8) Forum is greeted by 25 scientists from Bulgaria, UK, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Iran, Russia, USA and France – reviewers and advisors of the SSS at ULSIT.
Journal: Библиотека
- Issue Year: 2022
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 26-35
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Bulgarian