Direct speech introduced by iże in Old Polish apocrypha. A source perspective Cover Image

Mowa niezależna wprowadzana przez iże w staropolskich apokryfach. Perspektywa źródłowa
Direct speech introduced by iże in Old Polish apocrypha. A source perspective

Author(s): Dorota Rojszczak-Robińska
Subject(s): Syntax, Historical Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
Published by: Polskie Towarzystwo Językoznawcze
Keywords: direct speech; reported speech; hybrid speech; quotation; syntax; source; Old Polish apocrypha;

Summary/Abstract: An intermediate stage of the formation of reported speech can be observed in the Old Polish period. Polish medieval texts include mixed constructions in which the conjunction że (iż/iże), expressing a subordinate relation and typically introducing reported speech, introduces direct speech. Using Old Polish apocrypha as the source of data, the paper examines the relation between these constructions and Latin sources. The analysed constructions often appear in places where in the source text there were constructions unknown to the Polish language, such as Accusativus cum infinitivo, or where the quotation in the source text was introduced by a quia that could introduce indirect and indirect speech or be, as a particle, part of the quotation itself. Mixed constructs also appear in places where the compilation boundary coincides with the introduction of a quotation. Another problem for Old Polish authors was the overlapping of the levels of the plot and the nonfiction reality.

  • Issue Year: LXXVII/2021
  • Issue No: 77
  • Page Range: 227-243
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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