The international scientific reunion of the Associaton for Banat Culture in Zrenjanin, Serbia Cover Image

Reuniunea științifică internațională a Asociației pentru Cultură Bănățeană la Zrenianin, Serbia
The international scientific reunion of the Associaton for Banat Culture in Zrenjanin, Serbia

Author(s): Constantin-Tufan Stan
Subject(s): Music, Scientific Life
Published by: Editura Eurostampa
Keywords: international scientific reunion; Culture; Review;

Summary/Abstract: Over the course of time, the Association for BanatCulture, led by Professor Ph.D. Habil. Lucian-EmilRoșca, who is also the head of ethnomusicologicalstudiesat the Faculty of Musicand Theatre atWestUniversity of Timișoara, has recently embarkedon an ambitious project. This project is dedicatedto identifying, preserving, and promoting theancestral Romanian identity traditions within acultural context deeply rooted in a profoundspiritual matrix. The project was successfullyimplemented with the invaluable support ofdedicated members of the association, some ofwhom are current or former Ph.D. students atTimișoara's Music Doctoral School. Additionally, itreceived support from some members of theabove mentioned faculty, including Lecturer Ph.D.Adrian-Călin Boba, who also serves as the Vice-President of the Association for Banat Culture, aswell as Ph.D. Lavinius Nikolajević, Ph.D. AdrianBalla, Ph.D. Vlad Spatariu and others.

  • Issue Year: 4/2023
  • Issue No: 6
  • Page Range: 209-213
  • Page Count: 5
  • Language: English, Romanian
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