The Covid-19 pandemic: a catalyst for increased consumption in television and social media usage in Romania Cover Image

The Covid-19 pandemic: a catalyst for increased consumption in television and social media usage in Romania
The Covid-19 pandemic: a catalyst for increased consumption in television and social media usage in Romania

Author(s): Antonio Momoc
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
Published by: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie
Keywords: internet; media consumption; news; social media usage; television

Summary/Abstract: The general perception is that the COVID-19 pandemic led to significant shifts in social media usage patterns, resulting in increased Internet traffic for communication purposes. This study analyses the use of social media and television by the Romanian population before (in 2018), during (in 2020), and after (in 2023) the COVID-19 lockdown. The results indicate that during and after the lockdown, the most frequently used social networking sites and mobile apps in Romania were Facebook and WhatsApp. TikTok experienced a significant increase in user registrations, surpassing Instagram. Despite the presumption that TV lost market share compared to the Internet, television not only remained the most utilised medium, but TV consumption increased during and after the pandemic. The data was collected by the media agency Dentsu Romania, combining information obtained from BRAT (Biroul Român de Audit Transmedia) and Dentsu Romania, based on a collection methodology involving online and face-to-face interviews, on a representative sample of the Romanian population. BRAT and Dentsu Romania media consumption data was cross-referenced with information on consumption behaviour monitored through people meters by ARMA (Asociația Română pentru Măsurarea Audiențelor).

  • Issue Year: 15/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 4-15
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: English
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