research of readiness of potential founders of small-scale business to improve their entrepreneurship  Cover Image

Potencialių smulkiojo verslo kūrėjų pasirengimo ugdytis verslumo kompetencijas nuotoliniu būdu tyrimas
research of readiness of potential founders of small-scale business to improve their entrepreneurship

Author(s): Sigita Turskienė, Tatjana Bakanovienė, Rytis Vilkonis
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: mokymasis visą gyvenimą; savarankiškas mokymasis; nuotolinis mokymasis; verslumo ugdymas; life long learning; self-directed learning; distance learning; entrepreneurship education

Summary/Abstract: Straipsnyje analizuojami žmonių, gyvenančių greta Lietuvos sienos su Latvija, pasirengimo ugdytis verslumą nuotoliniu būdu tyrimo rezultatai, taikant el. mokymosi, televizijos ir mobiliąsias technologijas. Šiomis technologijomis pagrįsta nuotolinio mokymosi platforma, kuriama įgyvendinant tarptautinį projektą eBig3. Projektu siekiama skatinti regiono verslo iniciatyvą sudarant geresnes sąlygas gyventojams savarankiškai ugdyti verslumo kompetencijas nuotoliniu būdu. More and more adults engage in a lifelong learning process of their own initiative. There is a growing need for non-formal education and training opportunities without interrupting their working activity and leaving their home. Open and distance learning using of modern e-learning technologies allows the society to realize this need. However, the development of distance learning today requires of learners’ technology readiness. The study carried out by implementing the international project eBig3, which is developing a distance learning system incorporates e-learning, TV and mobile technologies. The main research questions are two; 1) how much today’s Lithuanian-Latvian border residents are interested in the development of entrepreneurship competence remotely and 2) whether the target group ready to use modern distance learning technologies. The article presents the research results based on respondents residing in Lithuania. Survey conducted in 2011. Analysis of the research results suggest that 1) a possibility to develop entrepreneurship competences remotely is relevant for most of Lithuanian-Latvian border region’s population in Lithuania 2) the majority of potential users of entrepreneurship education service has sufficient ICT literacy and experience of computer, Internet and e-service use to be able to learn remotely, using modern e-learning technologies, and to learn e-business, 3) the majority of potential users of entrepreneurship education service welcomes a use of regional television for training purposes, 4) Given the fact that the vast majority of potential users of entrepreneurship education service acquire a new business-related experience every day, it is appropriate to apply to the courses the experiential and contextual learning elements, some of the tasks in real life and local business context.

  • Issue Year: 2012
  • Issue No: 23
  • Page Range: 148-158
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Lithuanian
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