Развитие понятия «интеллектуал» в отечественном интеллигентоведении
Development of the concept of “intellectual” in Russian intelligentsia studies
Author(s): Vladimir Aleksandrovich PorozovSubject(s): Cultural history, Social history, Higher Education , History of Education, State/Government and Education, Sociology of Education
Published by: Ивановский государственный университет
Keywords: intellectual; intelligentsia; member of the intelligentsia; preintelligentsia; intelligentsia studies; Ivanovo school of intelligentsia studies; functional sociological approach;
Summary/Abstract: The term “intellectual” is often correlated with the concept of “intelligentsia”, and very rarely with the term “member of the intelligentsia”. At the same time, members of the national intelligentsia of foreign countries are more often and more boldly called intellectuals, and the characters of the Russian “thinking class”, even those who ended up abroad, are called intelligentsia. Repeated attempts to unite both on the basis of common social status and functions in a single perception in the context of Russian intelligentsia studies have not been successful. The history of the issue has been traced for more than thirty years of the existence of the Ivanovo school of intelligentsia studies in the context of the views of a wide range of domestic and foreign researchers. Special attention is paid to the perception and interpretation of intellectuals in four collective monographs published by Ivanovo like-minded people under the guidance of Professor V. S. Memetov (2008, 2010), professors V. S. Memetov and V. L. Chernoperov (2014, 2016), and their own views on the problem. It is shown that the identification of intelligentsia and intellectuals at the current level of theoretical understanding of history and the role of the intelligentsia in the modern world is permissible, but only with a functional sociological approach.
Journal: Интеллигенция и мир
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 124-155
- Page Count: 32
- Language: Russian