Два фрагмента от сръбски служебен миней от края на XIII – първата половина на XIV в. от сбирките на Църковноисторическия и архивен институт при Българската патриаршия и Историческия музей – гр. Тетевен
Two Fragments of a Serbian Office Menaion from the End of the 13th – the First Half of the 14th Century from the Collections of the Church Historical and Archival Institute of the Bulgarian Patriarchate and the Historical Museum – Teteven
Author(s): Maria Yovcheva, Angel NikolovSubject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Hilandar monastery; South Slavonic medieval manuscripts; Hymnography; Office Menaion; Theotokos Evergetis Typikon.
Summary/Abstract: The article studies the fate and the content of a parchment manuscript, containing an Office Menaion, two parts of which have found their way to the Church Historical and Archival Institute of the Bulgarian Patriarchate in Sofia (CHAI) and the Historical Museum of Teteven (IM–Teteven), respectively. The manuscript was written at the end of the 13th or the beginning of the 14th century. The place of its creation can be located with relative accuracy thanks to two marginal notes in memory of the oikonomos of the Krushevo metochion of the Athonite Hilandar monastery, in the Western part of the Metohija region (today in the Republic of Kosovo). By 1858, the two fragments were still part of a single codex and were owned by a Bulgarian from Craiova, Hristo Hadzhi Danailov, who later donated a portion of the manuscript on behalf of himself and of his brother Dimitar to the Bulgarian community centre in Craiova (founded in 1871). It was this part of the manuscript that ended up in the museum collection of Teteven in 1922. By 1935, the rest of the manuscript was owned by Stefan Tsvetkov from the town of Svishtov, the son of Angel Tsvetkov, a wealthy local merchant and a member of the first church board of the Holy Trinity Cathedral (consecrated 1867). This larger part of the manuscript was sold in 1937 by Mikhail Stamboliyev, a teacher from the town of Russe to the Church Museum in Sofia and belongs today to the CHAI collection (Ms no. 501). The paper explores codicological, palaeographic and orthographic features of the Teteven fragment. The numbering of the quires and the similarity with the Serbian Menaion Hlud. 156 from the State Historical Museum in Moscow (GIM) allow the assumption that the two parts belonged to a voluminous codex containing the services for the complete summer period of the church year. The study of the calendar and the composition of the services indicates the presence of at least two textual layers in the Teteven fragment. One of these layers, common to the Menaia of the Studite liturgical practice, presents already translated texts, inherited from the earlier tradition. The other layer stands closer to Slavonic codices following the Theotokos Evergetis Typikon. It is characterised by distinctive hymns also typical only of Mss Dečani 32 and Ms 113 from SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library (NBKM). Most likely, these particular poetic texts penetrated into the South Slavic milieu through certain Serbian centres in the thirteenth century. The type of the Menaion, the copyist’s notes, and the kinship with Hlud. 156 (written for the Cathedral church of Theotokos of Ljeviš in Prizren) allow us to conclude that the two fragments belong to a codex, which was probably commissioned for one of the great monasteries in Metohija founded by King Stefan II Milutin or by his ancestors.
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 87-118
- Page Count: 32
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF