Scope and Principles of Educational Management Applied to Adults in Turkey Cover Image

Türkiye’de Yetişkinlere Uygulanan Eğitim Yönetiminin Kapsam ve İlkeleri
Scope and Principles of Educational Management Applied to Adults in Turkey

Author(s): Osman Özdemir, Eyüp ÖZGÜN, İlyas EKŞİ, Sultan Utli, Hatip Öncel, Servet Demir, Gökhan Bayar
Subject(s): Education, Adult Education, Management and complex organizations, Sociology of Education
Published by: SD Yayınevi
Keywords: Education; Adult Education; Scope of Education; Principles of Education;

Summary/Abstract: Many elements such as the developments in the field of science and technology, the extension of life expectancy, innovations and changes in professions make it necessary to constantly update the knowledge acquired in formal education. For this reason, it is considered necessary to maintain the education received at a certain period of life during adulthood. These requirements have created the result of the birth of the field of adult education. Under this heading, the concept of adult and adult education, the scope and principles of adult education, and the reasons that require adult education are mentioned. The most important element that differentiates adult education from other fields is who an adult is and how adult education should be organized in this direction. Definitions related to the concept of adult differ in terms of treating the concept in biological, physical, psychological, cultural and legal contexts. The parallel treatment of adulthood with biological and social aging is one of the general orientations. In most societies, subjects such as completing compulsory education, working and getting married are considered the beginning of adulthood. The concept of adulthood, which refers to the state of being an adult, generally evokes maturation, independence, being able to make the right decisions about one's own life. The target group of adult education, which includes activities created to meet the educational needs and desires of individuals who are outside the scope of compulsory education and do not continue formal education at any stage of their lives, is adults. It is very important that adult education activities are planned and carried out according to the characteristics of adults. Adult education is a field that includes different traditions and has its own unique characteristics. Adult education offers a second chance to adults with the numerous programs it offers in many fields. It includes educational activities that support adults to improve the knowledge they have and to acquire new knowledge, to realize themselves and to maintain their professional development.

  • Issue Year: 10/2024
  • Issue No: 21
  • Page Range: 53-67
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Turkish
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