Translation practices in cross-cultural social research and guidelines for the most popular approach: back-translation Cover Image

Translation practices in cross-cultural social research and guidelines for the most popular approach: back-translation
Translation practices in cross-cultural social research and guidelines for the most popular approach: back-translation

Author(s): Marta Kowal
Subject(s): Anthropology, Translation Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: forward-back translation; brislin; research methods; linguistic recommendations

Summary/Abstract: In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of cross-cultural research, marking a positive shift from the predominantly WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) scientific focus. Most people are not WEIRD, and thus, such a trend is widely appraised. However, cross-cultural research bears many risks, one of which is a language barrier. Conducting studies in various populations that communicate in different languages results in the need to translate the study materials. A proper translation is essential for ensuring the validity and reliability of the data. This study aims to discuss translational practices in cross-cultural research, based on the analysis of studies published between 2017 and 2021 in two respected in cross-cultural social research journals (i.e., Cross-Cultural Research and Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology). The results revealed that one fifth of the analyzed studies lacked crucial information regarding translation procedures. Among the studies that did report on translation methods, back-translation was the most popular approach, with nearly half of the studies utilizing this technique. The recommendations for cross-cultural researchers are outlined, with an emphasis on the sufficient description of the samples, including their nationality and used language. In addition, guidelines for the back-translation are reiterated: 1) forward and 2) back translation, 3) versions’ comparison, 4) pilot study, and 5) revision of the final version.

  • Issue Year: 87/2024
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 19-32
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: English
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