Structure, Organization and Communication in the Library – Theoretical Aspects Cover Image

Структура, организация и комуникация в библиотеката – теоретични аспекти
Structure, Organization and Communication in the Library – Theoretical Aspects

Author(s): Svetoslava Toncheva
Subject(s): Library and Information Science, Information Architecture, Library operations and management, Other
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: library; structure; organization; communication

Summary/Abstract: The text presents the basic definitions and interpretations of the terms: structure (types of structures), organization (organizational development and culture) and communication (communication levels and models) in the context of the study of the library. The use of these terms in library field is based on their contents created with the tools of other sciences: on the one hand human resource management and theory of organization as part of labor economics, on the other – psychology, sociology, organizational behavior, etc. The specific aim of the text is to establish theoretical relationships and dependencies among structure, organization and communication and the importance of each of these components to the others.

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