Impactul programului de compoziția muzicală Hyperscore asupra studenților
The Impact of the Hyperscore Musical Composition Program on Students
Author(s): Rafael Fernández Maximiano, Diana Elena SârbSubject(s): Education, Music, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: Digital skills; educational trends; music; questionnaire; Hyperscore;
Summary/Abstract: The development of musical competences requires educational contexts characterised by diversity. Modern trends in education and the profile of Generation Z require the adaptation of teaching-learning-assessment strategies to new training conditions. Thus, the digital dimension cannot be missing from the range of activities carried out with students. This study presents the results of a questionnaire survey of students from two partner higher music institutions. The focus is on the impact of the Hyperscore music composition programme on students.
Journal: Tehnologii informatice şi de comunicaţii în domeniul muzical
- Issue Year: XV/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 81-91
- Page Count: 11
- Language: English, Romanian
- Content File-PDF