Mutual Penetration of Stylistic Elements of Magic Realism, Slavic Folklore, Fiction in the Context of the Grammatical Representation of Time Coordinates in V. Stevanović’s Novel The Wretched Cover Image

Взаємопроникнення стилістичних елементів магічного реалізму, слов’янського фольклору, художньої фантастики в контексті граматичної репрезентації часових координат у романі В. Стевановича Убогi
Mutual Penetration of Stylistic Elements of Magic Realism, Slavic Folklore, Fiction in the Context of the Grammatical Representation of Time Coordinates in V. Stevanović’s Novel The Wretched

Author(s): Weronika Jarmak, Olena Vashenko
Subject(s): Semiotics / Semiology, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Comparative Linguistics, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature, Stylistics
Published by: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Slovanský ústav and Euroslavica
Keywords: magical realism; time coordinates; aorist; imperfect; present; verb ‘to be’; transposition of the semantics of verb forms; Serbian language; Serbian literature;

Summary/Abstract: The article examines the relationship, interaction and grammatical repertoire of different tense forms of the Serbian verb in the context of verbal representation of time coordinates in the novel The Wretched by the famous Serbian writer V. Stevanović. The linguistic aspect, the mechanism of layering in the time paradigm of a perfect sample of magical realism, is analyzed. In this research, data from related scientific fields were involved and an attempt was made to determine which features inherent in the poetics of the mentioned work in terms of time plan unite it with examples of postmodernism, and which methods are related to the peculiarities of the temporal characteristics of the Serbian folk-song epic tradition, Serbian lyric poetry, with time formulas in bugaršticas, with poetic techniques of artistic fiction. The stylistic role of synthetic preterite forms of the Serbian verb, various shifts in the semantics of the present etc. are characterized.

  • Issue Year: XCIII/2024
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 339-352
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Ukrainian
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