Musical Dialogue in John Harbison’s String Quartet No. 4 Cover Image

Musical Dialogue in John Harbison’s String Quartet No. 4
Musical Dialogue in John Harbison’s String Quartet No. 4

Author(s): Kheng K. Koay
Subject(s): Cultural history, Music, Recent History (1900 till today)
Published by: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Keywords: John Harbison; Musical Dialogue; 21st century String Quartet;

Summary/Abstract: The study explores different instrumental dialogues that experimented in Harbison’s String Quartet No. 4 (2001). Harbison imagines each instrument as an operatic character in the composition. The musical dialogues are presented in different fashions, including between two or more instruments in either confrontation, or with agreeable manners. The piece significantly displays Harbison creatively reintroducing the late 18th century musical dialogue fashion in a new way. Not only is Mozart’s and Bach’s music the main source of inspiration for Harbison, but also stresses of the off-beats and syncopated jazz fashion are at times heard in the fugal-like imitation passages.

  • Issue Year: 36/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 7-23
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: English
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