“Grechuta comes from Chopin and that’s that!” Traces of Chopin in the early lyrical works of Marek Grechuta Cover Image

,,Grechuta z Chopina jest i basta!”. Ślady Chopina we wczesnej lirycznej twórczości Marka Grechuty
“Grechuta comes from Chopin and that’s that!” Traces of Chopin in the early lyrical works of Marek Grechuta

Author(s): Barbara Piotrowska-Rzeźwicka
Subject(s): Music, Sociology of Art, History of Art
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Keywords: song; song studies; Grechuta; Chopin; sung poetry

Summary/Abstract: In this article the author examines the influence of Fryderyk Chopin’s work and style on the early work of Marek Grechuta based on his 1970 concept al­bum Marek Grechuta & Anawa. The author claims that Grechuta’s early work can be classified as lyrical. She outlines common features, such as: poetic musical language, references to Romantic traditions, motifs from Polish folk music and references to jazz music. She then points to and discusses specif­ic songs from the album in which Chopin’s influence resounds: Wesele [The wedding], W dzikie wino zaplątani [Tangled in Ivy], Zadymka [Blizzard], Będziesz moją panią [You Shall Be My Lady]. Following Wojciech Majewski, she defines the representative Grechutian waltz variety inspired by the singer’s work. In reference to Grechuta’s perception as a “tender poet,” she discusses the lyr­ics from the first album, which were published in two volumes of poetry — pointing out the differences between them. The author uses literary and musi­cological analysis in her work, focusing on music studies and song studies.

  • Issue Year: 63/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 75-91
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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