,,Grechuta z Chopina jest i basta!”. Ślady Chopina we wczesnej lirycznej twórczości Marka Grechuty
“Grechuta comes from Chopin and that’s that!” Traces of Chopin in the early lyrical works of Marek Grechuta
Author(s): Barbara Piotrowska-RzeźwickaSubject(s): Music, Sociology of Art, History of Art
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Keywords: song; song studies; Grechuta; Chopin; sung poetry
Summary/Abstract: In this article the author examines the influence of Fryderyk Chopin’s work and style on the early work of Marek Grechuta based on his 1970 concept album Marek Grechuta & Anawa. The author claims that Grechuta’s early work can be classified as lyrical. She outlines common features, such as: poetic musical language, references to Romantic traditions, motifs from Polish folk music and references to jazz music. She then points to and discusses specific songs from the album in which Chopin’s influence resounds: Wesele [The wedding], W dzikie wino zaplątani [Tangled in Ivy], Zadymka [Blizzard], Będziesz moją panią [You Shall Be My Lady]. Following Wojciech Majewski, she defines the representative Grechutian waltz variety inspired by the singer’s work. In reference to Grechuta’s perception as a “tender poet,” she discusses the lyrics from the first album, which were published in two volumes of poetry — pointing out the differences between them. The author uses literary and musicological analysis in her work, focusing on music studies and song studies.
Journal: Prace Literackie
- Issue Year: 63/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 75-91
- Page Count: 17
- Language: Polish