Musical success: talent vs work Cover Image

Musical success: talent vs work
Musical success: talent vs work

Author(s): Veronica Laura Demenescu, Cosmina Silvia Stitzl
Subject(s): Music, Sociology of Art, Sociology of Education
Published by: MediaMusica
Keywords: musical success; talent; work;

Summary/Abstract: Having success in musical practice is usually perceived by the public as having an extraordinary talent. However, behind success lies not only talent, but a complex work, which requires the possession of an initial set of skills such as knowledge and understanding of musical literacy, ownership and knowledge of a musical instrument or voice, access to special information, good specialist coordination, availability and suitable conditions for individual study. After completing this initial stages, there follows the approach to diversified repertoires and only at the end of this stage does the scene performance takes place, where in a few minutes the musician must show the results obtained through hundreds or thousands of work hours. Our study aims to highlight the main perceptions regarding artistic success, from the perspective of the main two categories of individuals involved in the artistic environment: performers and the public.

  • Issue Year: I/2023
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 87-92
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: English
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