Specifics of Teaching Slovak in Primary Education in the Vojvodina Environment Cover Image

Špecifiká vyučovania slovenčiny v primárnom vzdelávaní vo vojvodinskom prostredí
Specifics of Teaching Slovak in Primary Education in the Vojvodina Environment

Author(s): Adela Dúbravová, Eva Severini, Lenka Szentesiová
Subject(s): School education, Educational Psychology, State/Government and Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
Published by: Slovenský komitét slavistov a Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, v.v.i.
Keywords: Bilingualism; socio-cultural environment; didactic principles; primary education; qualitative research; teaching Slovak, teachers' opinions

Summary/Abstract: In our study we focus on the specifics of teaching Slovak language in a foreign language, namely Serbian envi- ronment in primary education. This area is little explored in the Slovak and comparative didactic context, so we are interested in the views of teachers at primary school level 1 who teach pupils in primary education in a Serbian language environment in Serbia. In the theoretical part of the study, we address the issue of the specifics of the bilingual language environment in which such pupils grow up and live and its basic communicative frameworks. In the research part of the study, we deal with teachers' opinions concerning the teaching of Slovak language in a bilingual environment, or their specifics and limits. We applied qualitative research methodology using in-depth interviews to explore the subjective and socially conditioned views of the participating teachers.

  • Issue Year: 59/2024
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 138-149
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Slovak
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