Witold Lutosławski wobec powojennej awangardy. Z perspek-
tywy sześciu dekad
Witold Lutosławski and the Post-war Avant-garde, as Seen from
the Perspective of Six Decades
Author(s): Krzysztof MEYERSubject(s): Music, Sociology of Art, History of Art
Published by: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: avant-garde; dodecaphony; serialism; cluster; ad libitum performance practice; aleatoric; concrete music; collage; minimal music;
Summary/Abstract: This article presents the strategies that Witold Lutosławski adopted after 1956in order to assert himself in national and international musical life. This in-volved becoming associated with the avant-garde of the time and experimentingwith compositional techniques, as well as participating in the discourse on thecondition and the future of music. However, apart from a few pieces composedin the 1960s, especially those using the so-called controlled aleatoric technique,Lutosławski’s music seems closer to tradition that to the avant-garde worksof the time. This was not clearly seen due to the composer’s declarations, ininterviews and lectures, in which he advocated an almost permanent revolu-tion in music, doing so very suggestively, as confi rmed by his texts cited inthe article.
Journal: Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL
- Issue Year: 37/2024
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 132-149
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Polish