Dzieciństwo w okowach ideologii: kreacja dziecięcego świata na łamach czasopisma „Płomyczek” w latach 1948–1956
Childhood in the Grip of Ideology: The Creation of a Child’s World in the Magazine Płomyczek in the Years 1948–1956
Author(s): Joanna KrólSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Communication studies, Preschool education, History of Education, Pedagogy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: childhood; ideology; magazine; Płomyczek; education
Summary/Abstract: The article presents a reconstruction and interpretation of the process of creating a children’s world and its main elements in the magazine Płomyczek in the years 1948–1956. The content analysis of the magazine shows that almost every aspect of the created children's world referring to the natural and cultural space, despite its undeniable educational value, also contained a strong propaganda charge. Content that genuinely developed the cognitive, socio-moral and emotional side of the reader was saturated with an ideological layer that reflected the political direction of the time. By being inscribed in a specific historical period, it was therefore a magazine that exhausted the model of the communist press, which, through its aims, functions and content, acted as a transmission belt for the ideological message. The propagandistic nature of the content of Płomyczek, in turn, gave rise to the question as to what extent the effect of the aforementioned process referred to the children’s world of meanings and to what extent it was a response to the immediate socio-political needs.
Journal: Polska Myśl Pedagogiczna
- Issue Year: 2024
- Issue No: 10
- Page Range: 325 - 340
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish