Certified Lieutenant Colonel Włodzimierz Dunin-Żuchowski (1893–1940)
– Cavalry Officer, POW in the NKVD special camp in Starobilsk,
victim of the Katyń Crime Cover Image

Podpułkownik dypl. Włodzimierz Dunin-Żuchowski (1893–1940) – oficer kawalerii, jeniec obozu specjalnego NKWD w Starobielsku, ofiara zbrodni katyńskiej
Certified Lieutenant Colonel Włodzimierz Dunin-Żuchowski (1893–1940) – Cavalry Officer, POW in the NKVD special camp in Starobilsk, victim of the Katyń Crime

Author(s): Bartosz Janczak
Subject(s): Military history, Social history, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
Published by: Centralne Muzeum Jeńców Wojennych
Keywords: Włodzimierz Dunin-Żuchowski; cavalry; Prisoner-of-War; Starobilsk; Katyń Crime;

Summary/Abstract: The aim of the article is to present the fate of Certified Lieutenant ColonelWłodzimierz Dunin-Żuchowski, who following the Polish Campaign of 1939, wastaken captive by Soviets and was detained in one of the three special camps runby the NKVD, located in the buildings of a former convent in Starobilsk. In theinterwar period of the 1920s, Lieutenant Colonel of the Polish Army Włodzimierz Dunin-Żuchowski – an outstanding military theoretician in the field of cavalry –belonged to the circle of officers who saw the need for introducing profound reformsin the Army, aimed at providing Polish soldiers with adequate means to be able toeffectively oppose enemy armies. During his nearly 20-year-long military service hewrote a number of works on changes in the Polish cavalry. His career and activitywere broken by the outbreak of the Second World War. In the spring of 1940, hebecame one of the victims of the Katyń Crime: as a prisoner-of-war in the specialcamp of the NKVD in Starobilsk, he was murdered in Kharkiv. His remains areburied in the cemetery in Piatykhatky.

  • Issue Year: 2023
  • Issue No: 46
  • Page Range: 63-84
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Polish
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