The sports press behind oflags wires. The activity of Zygmunt Weiss, an editor Cover Image

Prasa sportowa za drutami oflagów. Działalność redaktora Zygmunta Weissa
The sports press behind oflags wires. The activity of Zygmunt Weiss, an editor

Author(s): Kamil Weber
Subject(s): Social history, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Sports Studies
Published by: Centralne Muzeum Jeńców Wojennych
Keywords: Zygmunt Weiss; POW camps; Arnswalde; Gross Born; sport;

Summary/Abstract: In recent years Zygmunt Weiss has become a slightly forgotten figure. Never-theless, he made a considerable contribution not only to the development of thePolish athletics, but also sports journalism in the prewar and wartime years. Whatis surprising, he was able to develop his passions even in the hard conditions ofPOW camps – mainly in Oflags II B Arnswalde and II D Gross Born. Thanks to thishe also made a significant impact on the life of the POW community. His everydaywork provided his inmates with entertainment. It also contributed to their bettercondition, which could substantially augment the chances of survival, impactingon their psychic and physical health. The article presents the life of Z. Weiss ondifferent planes: as an athlete – a representative of Poland and an Olympian, sportsjournalist and a prisoner of war.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 44
  • Page Range: 82-111
  • Page Count: 30
  • Language: Polish
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