Politicality of the Works of Polish Female Artists Involved in the Emancipation of Women on the Example of the Downtown Gang and the Iron Vaginas Cover Image

Polityczność utworów polskich artystek zaangażowanych w emancypację kobiet na przykładzie Gangu Śródmieście i Żelaznych Wagin
Politicality of the Works of Polish Female Artists Involved in the Emancipation of Women on the Example of the Downtown Gang and the Iron Vaginas

Author(s): Piotr Sieńko
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Political behavior, Politics and society, Sociology of Art
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: feminism; author; artist; text; political;

Summary/Abstract: The overarching aim of this text is to analyse texts by selected contemporary Polish women artists. The works I am interpreting are characterised by emancipatory overtones. Their authors are women who have taken an interest in the situation of women in society in their work. I have assumed that the proposed texts refer to politics, for example by reflecting on the patriarchal system. In them, the authors also evoke current socio-political events. Therefore, the analyses presented are also characterised by the fact that I have placed the texts by contemporary Polish women artists in a specific space. Consequently, the article begins with an explanation of the notion of politicality and a description of the choice of methodology, which, given the material taken up, is feminist criticism. The following sections of the article are discussions of selected texts by contemporary Polish artists whose main theme of their work is the emancipation of women; these are: Iron Vaginas, Downtown Gang. The added value of the article is that the aforementioned female authors pursue their projects in different musical genres, which is also noted in this text.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 9
  • Page Range: 231-255
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Polish
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