Assessment of the Danger of Insolvency in the Merchant Stabilization Proceeding Cover Image

Оценка на опасността от неплатежоспособност в производството по стабилизация на търговец
Assessment of the Danger of Insolvency in the Merchant Stabilization Proceeding

Author(s): Yuliyan Velkov
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Financial Markets, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: Международно висше бизнес училище
Keywords: insolvency; stabilization proceeding; early warning tools; fuzzy sets; fuzzy logic

Summary/Abstract: The immediate danger of insolvency expresses the risk of an inability to pay the financial debts of the merchant's enterprise in a 12-month perspective. This is a threat of the emergence of a permanent shortage of potential to fulfill the merchant's monetary debts combined with preserved capability. Its existence constitutes a basis for initiating legal proceedings for the stabilization of the trader. For early warning of imminent danger of insolvency of insolvency at the national level, a public web-based electronic information system with tools intended for use by any trader on personal initiative is being built and operated. The set of indicators in it and their required values are regulated by an order of the Minister of Innovation and Growth. In connection with this, as an alternative in the present publication, it is proposed to use algorithms in the modern complex, dynamic, uncertain environment, which are implemented on the basis of fuzzy sets and mathematical operations with them

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 16
  • Page Range: 40-57
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Bulgarian
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