Technological Opportunities and Process Automation for the Preservation and Management of Documentary Heritage Through the Use of Artificial Intelligence Cover Image

Технологични възможности и автоматизация на процесите за съхранение и управление на документалното наследство чрез използване на изкуствен интелект
Technological Opportunities and Process Automation for the Preservation and Management of Documentary Heritage Through the Use of Artificial Intelligence

Author(s): Vladimira Petkova
Subject(s): Library and Information Science, Library operations and management, Electronic information storage and retrieval
Published by: Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии
Keywords: documentary heritage; automation; artificial intelligence; management; technologies

Summary/Abstract: The rapid technological advancement and globalization are fundamentally changing the way documentary heritage is collected, preserved, and disseminated. The increasing level of digitization and the growing volume of data necessitate innovative approaches to automate the processes of organising, managing, and accessing information. The aim of this study is to explore the possibilities for implementing artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate the analysis and processing of information through intelligent algorithms for automated recognition, categorization, and processing of document content. Traditional methods of managing documentary heritage are associated with significant execution time and conservation-restoration activities, which lead to inefficiency, mistakes, and difficulties in information retrieval. Therefore, new strategies are needed to support and update the tools and techniques for preserving documentary heritage. The study's methodology includes an analysis of existing and emerging technologies and practices for storage and management, as outlined in documents, developments, and research by UNESCO. The results reveal that AI has the potential to transform documentary heritage into knowledge with high added value, offering an innovative approach for more efficient management and perception of information.

  • Issue Year: 5/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 285-299
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Bulgarian
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