The biogas production from animal production waste as support for
climate neutrality at the regional level: The case of Wielkopolska Cover Image

Produkcja biogazu z odpadów produkcji zwierzęcej jako wsparcie dla neutralności klimatycznej w ujęciu regionalnym – przykład Wielkopolski
The biogas production from animal production waste as support for climate neutrality at the regional level: The case of Wielkopolska

Author(s): Natalia Szubska-Włodarczyk
Subject(s): Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy
Published by: Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: climate neutrality; zero emissions; energy transformation; biogas; animal production;

Summary/Abstract: In the context of the current global challenges, the European Green Deal and the objective of achieving climate neutrality of the EU economy, actions and solutions that result in an improvedeconomy and a reduction in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions contribute to the support ofthe energy transformation, thus bringing economies closer to zero emissions. Both the energy andagricultural sectors have been identified as significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Ithas been demonstrated by scientific research that the EU’s environmental and sustainable develop-ment goals will not be achievable without a reduction in meat and animal product consumption.A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 50% is feasible with a 54–71% reduction inmeat consumption and a 62–78% increase in local food consumption (Rahmann et al. 2017, Purn-hagen et al. 2021, Talwar et al. 2021, Röös 2022). Conversely, the agriculture, forestry and land useLULUCF) sector plays a pivotal, even foundational, role in carbon absorption. Wielkopolska is oneof six voivodeships that have been designated for support through the Just Transition Fund, which isintended to offset the financial burden of climate policy and facilitate the transition to a low-carboneconomy. For regions whose economies are based on coal, it is necessary to identify a developmenttrajectory that can reduce the costs of implementing climate policy in the long term. The objective ofthis study is to estimate the theoretical potential of biogas production from animal excrement in theWielkopolska voivodeship.As demonstrated by research conducted by Zaliwski (2007), the Wielkopolska voivodeship is dis-tinguished by elevated emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from agricultural activities. Con-sequently, the management of slurry for biogas production may represent a crucial component inthe advancement of a low-emission economy. The production of biogas from animal excrement hasthe dual benefit of supporting the energy transformation of the region’s economy and reducing thenegative impact of animal production on the natural environment. Wielkopolska has demonstratedthe highest potential for biogas production in the country, coupled with high animal production. Thenecessary areas for the strategic development of centralised biogas plants have been identified in lightof the transformation of the Wielkopolska economy towards climate neutrality.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 72
  • Page Range: 193-211
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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