Third-Grade Pupils in the World
of Contemporary Media Cover Image

Third-Grade Pupils in the World of Contemporary Media
Third-Grade Pupils in the World of Contemporary Media

Author(s): Małgorzata Dankowska-Kosman, Magdalena Golińska-Konecko
Subject(s): Media studies, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
Keywords: digital media; social networking sites; threats; digital competencies; media education;

Summary/Abstract: The development of the digital era and new media make the worldaround us more functional. It makes performing many everyday activities easierand more attractive, plays an informative role, and represents an unlimited sourceof knowledge about the world. It has also changed the current model of mass com-munication.Wide access to the internet, its global reach, and the transfer of an increasing numberof activities to the digital space – especially by the youngest users – may, however,pose multiple threats.This manuscript presents pupils’ statements about contemporary media. The surveyconducted explored the experiences of young participants regarding media and itsmulti-faceted influence, as well as the role of parents in building digital competen-cies. Interesting issues also included pupils’ narratives regarding the positive andnegative aspects of using digital media.As shown by the survey results, children most often identify media with social net-working sites and the internet, as these are the platforms they usually use. They cannavigate the digital world effectively and recognize the benefits and threats it pre-sents. They understand the rules for using electronic media, but they do not alwaysfollow them. They admit that their online activity is often limited and monitored bytheir parents; however, this typically concerns the amount of time spent in front ofa smartphone or computer screen, rather than the safe use of internet resources.

  • Issue Year: 37/2024
  • Issue No: 1(71)
  • Page Range: 37-50
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: English
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