Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Employee Skills Development: Challenges and Opportunities for modern enterprises Cover Image

Integrácia umelej inteligencie do rozvoja zamestnaneckých zručností: Výzvy a príležitosti pre moderné podniky
Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Employee Skills Development: Challenges and Opportunities for modern enterprises

Author(s): Jaroslava Bučková
Subject(s): Economy, Psychology, Business Economy / Management, Sociology
Published by: VERBUM - vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Keywords: Management; Artificial Intelligence; Education; Employees

Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the connection between artificial intelligence (AI) and the development of employee skills in the context of modern organizations. The goal is to explore the possibilities and challenges of implementing AI in corporate education, identify the most effective approaches, and design strategies that maximize its benefits. At the same time, it points to advantages such as increased effectiveness of training, better targeting of individual needs and support of creativity. The paper also analyzes challenges such as ethical aspects of AI implementation, data privacy and algorithm bias. The results show that the right use of AI in education can significantly increase productivity, employee satisfaction and the innovation potential of companies, highlighting the need for strategic planning and leadership support.

  • Issue Year: VIII/2024
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 43-55
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Slovak
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