Evolution of the Verb State Category in Germanic Languages: A Neuroscientific Perspective Cover Image

Evolution of the Verb State Category in Germanic Languages: A Neuroscientific Perspective
Evolution of the Verb State Category in Germanic Languages: A Neuroscientific Perspective

Author(s): Olga Shapochkina, Valentyna KOVALENKO, Anna GAIDASH, Olena ZAICHENKO, Valentyna POROSHYNA, Lilia SAZHKO
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Psychology, Applied Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Neuropsychology
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: German language; modal verb; grammaticalization; semantics; neurolinguistic study;

Summary/Abstract: Relevance of research. The article examines the process of verb formation in Germanic languages, as well as the peculiarities of the grammatical semantics of verbs at different historical stages of the development of Germanic languages. Using the comparative-historical method, the functioning of verbs in texts of Germanic languages ​​was investigated as an aspect of neurolinguistic science. Research results. The article proves that most modal verbs of Germanic languages ​​have undergone significant semantic transformations. The study of texts of different historical stages of language development shows that verbs evolved through semantic transformation. Time frames of the formation of secondary semantics were revealed. The theoretical and practical significance lies in the fact that this resarch allows a detailed study of the features of the emergence of the primary, as well as the secondary, subjective semantics of verbs in Germanic languages ​​from a neuroscientific point of view. It should be noted that the list of subjective values ​​still raises many questions and discussions. The German language has an extremely clear system of means of expressing modal values. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the neurolinguistic approach to the study of the evolution of Germanic verbs. The article aims to study the evolution of verbs in the German language in the context of neurolinguistics. To achieve the goal, the method of comparative analysis was used. This made it possible to consider the evolution of the verb through a comparative study of texts at the main stages of speech development. To solve these problems, texts reflecting the state of the language at each historical stage were studied.

  • Issue Year: 16/2024
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 386-401
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: English
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