The Authority and Guidance of Blessed Marcelina Darowska as a Beacon
in the Spiritual Journeys of Artists from the Circle of Immaculate Sisters.
Based on Correspondence of Celina Michałowska Cover Image

Autorytet i kierownictwo bł. Marceliny Darowskiej jako drogowskaz w podróżach duchowych niepokalańskich artystek. Na podstawie epistolografii Celiny Michałowskiej
The Authority and Guidance of Blessed Marcelina Darowska as a Beacon in the Spiritual Journeys of Artists from the Circle of Immaculate Sisters. Based on Correspondence of Celina Michałowska

Author(s): Monika Kulesza
Subject(s): Social history, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion
Published by: OFFICINA SIMONIDIS. Wydawnictwo Uczelni Państwowej im. Szymona Szymonowica w Zamościu
Keywords: epistolography; women’s education; Immaculate Sisters; Celina Michałowska; Marcelina Darowska;

Summary/Abstract: This article centres on unpublished, handwritten letters by the Immaculate Sister CelinaMichałowska (daughter and only pupil of the painter Piotr Michałowski). Excerpts from these let-ters are analysed to explore the authority and significance of Mother Superior Marcelina Darows-ka, a mystic, in Michałowska’s life and in the broader context of the Immaculate Congregation. Thecorrespondence frequently references 19th-century literary and artistic figures (including AdamMickiewicz, Stanisław Wyspiański, and Henryk Rodakowski), implicitly demonstrating that theconvents founded by Darowska were not isolated spaces exclusively for the fulfilment of spiritualvocations but remained in active dialogue with the contemporary cultural world. They also servedas places for the development of various literary, artistic, and musical talents. This study aims topresent the often-overlooked topic of Darowska’s and the Immaculate Sisters’ contribution to thedevelopment of (women’s) culture in the 19th century.

  • Issue Year: 17/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 195-216
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Polish
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