Digital maturity of Czech SMEs concerning the demographic
characteristics of entrepreneurs and enterprises
Digital maturity of Czech SMEs concerning the demographic
characteristics of entrepreneurs and enterprises
Author(s): Světlana Semrádová Zvolánková, Vladimír KrajčíkSubject(s): National Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
Keywords: digital maturity; Czech SMEs; demographic characteristics; strategic management; digital skills;
Summary/Abstract: Research background: The digital maturity of Czech SMEs is influenced by various factors,including the strategic management practices within these enterprises.Purpose of the article: The article aims to assess attitudes toward selected aspects of digitalmaturity in businesses concerning their demographic characteristics and the demographiccharacteristics of the respondents.Methods: To meet the aim of the article, quantitative research was carried out througha questionnaire addressed to small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the businessenvironment of the Czech Republic. Statistical methods were verified using non-parametrictests, such as the Kruskal-Wallis test. Findings & value added: In their daily use, differences in dependence on gender, educationalattainment, and age of the entrepreneur are identified. Three of four SME owners/managerssaid digital skills are needed to fulfil their job responsibilities. There are differences betweenentrepreneurs regarding the importance of digital skills, expectations, and the presence ofcomputer infrastructure concerning the highest education achieved. There are also partialdifferences in attitudes with regard to gender. The demographic characteristics of an enter-prise, such as the size, duration of the enterprise, and the total value of assets, are only ofsecondary importance for the perception of digital maturity and SMEs' use of software appli-cations. The effect of demographic characteristics on attitudes towards digital skills and thepresence of computer infrastructure in the enterprise has yet to be identified. The findings areimportant not only for SMEs themselves, but also for structures at the level of national policiesresponsible for the growth of the business environment. The empirical findings are crucial fornational policymakers to better design support systems for SME owners and managers indigital maturity.
Journal: Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
- Issue Year: 19/2024
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 1363-1404
- Page Count: 42
- Language: English