Writing School Chronicles Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Cover Image

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Writing School Chronicles Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Author(s): Matic Intihar
Subject(s): Cultural history, Media studies, Communication studies, Recent History (1900 till today), School education, History of Education
Published by: Slovenski šolski muzej
Keywords: school chronicle; public education; instructions; DZS;

Summary/Abstract: School chronicles are a valuable source of information for the study of the history of education. They are particularly important for understanding events in areas where there is a lack of other sources at certain times in history. The keeping of chronicles in general flourished especially in the Middle Ages, but the first school chronicles in Slovenia can be traced back to the end of the 18th century. They were the result of the efforts of teachers and others who were somehow connected with individual schools or the places where they were located. The introduction of primary education at the national level in the Habsburg Monarchy under the leadership of Empress Maria Theresa had a decisive influence on the gradual standardisation of all related activities. The adoption of the Third Austrian Primary School Act in 1869 also made it compulsory for the first time for all primary schools to keep a school chronicle. In the decades and centuries that followed, the form of school chronicles and the instructions for writing them varied, but their content always depended on the commitment of the writer and the historical context in which each chronicle was produced.

  • Issue Year: 33/2024
  • Issue No: 2-3
  • Page Range: 356-380
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Slovenian
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