Teaching History and Collective Identities through Political Changes of the First Half of the Twentieth Century Cover Image

Pouk zgodovine in kolektivne identitete skozi politične spremembe v prvi polovici 20. stoletja
Teaching History and Collective Identities through Political Changes of the First Half of the Twentieth Century

Author(s): Simon Malmenvall
Subject(s): Education, Cultural history, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Education, State/Government and Education, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Slovenski šolski muzej
Keywords: teaching of history; collective identities; national consciousness; ideologies; historiography; Slovenian School Museum;

Summary/Abstract: This study is dedicated to the transmission of collective identities and social values in the context of teaching history in elementary and secondary schools on the Slovenian territory during the first half of the twentieth century which was characterized by the changing of cultural-ideological and state formations. Scholastic history was the field towards which every political regime acted with great care in order to educate the youth into model citizens. This text is based on an important segment of the collections of the Slovenian School Museum (SŠM) represented by scholastic syllabi, history textbooks and pedagogical periodicals from the late Austro-Hungary, royal and early socialist Yugoslavia. Through all three periods, the integration of Slovenian history into wider frames of collective identities is noticeable; Slovenians or their ancestors were perceived as a part of the Austrian or Yugoslav ethnic-state communities.

  • Issue Year: 33/2024
  • Issue No: 2-3
  • Page Range: 381-411
  • Page Count: 31
  • Language: Slovenian
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