»Ko je šola začela« Pogled v način življenja otrok v obdobju Splošnega šolskega reda skozi šolske knjige
“When School Started”: A Look at the Way of Life of Children in the Era of the General School Ordinance through School Books
Author(s): Marjetka Balkovec, Klara Marija KeršičSubject(s): Education, Cultural history, Modern Age, School education, History of Education, Pedagogy
Published by: Slovenski šolski muzej
Keywords: General School Ordinance; children and education in the Enlightenment; children's way of life in Slovenia; history of education;
Summary/Abstract: This paper offers a glimpse into the period when the first national primary school act, with the beginning of compulsory and mass education, also marked a turning point in the way children lived. The Age of Enlightenment was characterised by new ideas, changes in society, and changing attitudes towards children and education. A review and analysis of fundamental documents and schoolbooks attempts to provide an image of children in our territory during this period. In her survey of the century, Mag. Debevec Balkovec focuses on the General School Ordinance (1774), the Method Book (1777), catechisms, arithmetic books, and manuals for farming, whereas Keršič focuses on reading books and alphabet books.
Journal: Šolska kronika: revija za zgodovino šolstva in vzgoje
- Issue Year: 33/2024
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 155-179
- Page Count: 25
- Language: Slovenian