Pouk matematike na ljubljanski gimnaziji v drugi polovici 19. stoletja
Lessons in mathematics at the Ljubljana gimnazija in the second half of the 19th century
Author(s): Milan HladnikSubject(s): Education, School education, History of Education, 19th Century, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
Published by: Slovenski šolski muzej
Keywords: maths lessons; Ljubljana gimnazija; second half of 19th century; textbooks; teachers; students;
Summary/Abstract: The article presents maths lessons at the Ljubljana (classical) gimnazija secondary school in the second half of the 19th century. In addition to a short general outline of the concept of the gimnazija, reformed in 1848, with the curriculum and the newly introduced baccalaureate, the article deals with the mandatory material in maths lessons, its division between the grades, and the prescribed or recommended textbooks for arithmetic and geometry. This is followed by an overview of who taught maths and physics at this school and who were the leading teachers in these two subjects in that period. Some students from that time are also singled out, who after the baccalaureate enrolled to study maths and physics (or natural sciences), successfully finished their degree and at least partly pursued a career in this field, and whose pedagogical, professional or academic work contributed to its development.
Journal: Šolska kronika: revija za zgodovino šolstva in vzgoje
- Issue Year: 31/2022
- Issue No: 2-3
- Page Range: 191-250
- Page Count: 60
- Language: Slovenian