Some aspect concerning the monetary presence in southern and south-western part of the former province of Dacia (4th-6th centuries) Cover Image

Aspecte privind prezenţa monetară în Dacia Sudică şi Sud-Vestică (Sec IV-VI P. Chr)
Some aspect concerning the monetary presence in southern and south-western part of the former province of Dacia (4th-6th centuries)

Author(s): István Fábián
Subject(s): History
Published by: Editura Universităţii Petru Maior
Keywords: Roman Empire; barbarians; monetary presence; Byzantine Empire; hoards

Summary/Abstract: This paper has as aim to present some specific aspects of the monetary presence in the south and south-western part of the former roman province of Dacia. The point of departure is the fact that comparatively with Transylvania in these parts the monetary presence is more obvious because of the Byzantine control of the area. The paper presents the monetary penetration divided in different time periods trying to emphasize the fact that the economy of the area was strongly influenced by the relations with the Eastern Roman Empire as well as with the relations between the different barbarian tribes.

  • Issue Year: 09/2009
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 7-14
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Romanian