Students from Kosovo and Metohija in Belgrade in 1962 Cover Image

Studenti sa Kosova i Metohije u Beogradu 1962. godine
Students from Kosovo and Metohija in Belgrade in 1962

Author(s): Dragomir Bondžić
Subject(s): History
Published by: Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd
Keywords: students; Kosovo and Metohija; Belgrade; Bel­gra­de Uni­ver­sity;

Summary/Abstract: In the Spring of 1962 the Uni­ver­sity Com­mit­tee of the Le­a­gue of Com­mu­nists of the Bel­gra­de Uni­ver­sity and the Com­mit­tee of the Le­a­gue of Com­mu­nists of the hig­her scho­ols in Bel­gra­de con­duc­ted a sur­vey among the stu­dents form Ko­so­vo and Me­to­hi­ja. Be­si­des the ge­ne­ral in­for­ma­tion on the year an pla­ce o birth, on the re­si­ding pla­ce and na­ti­o­na­lity, the qu­e­sti­on­na­i­re re­qu­e­sted in­for­ma­tion on the fa­culty, gro­up, year of study, gra­du­a­tion plans, ways of sup­port, mem­ber­ship in the Le­a­gue of Com­mu­nists and in the Stu­dents al­li­an­ce as well as the so­cio-po­li­ti­cal ac­ti­vity du­ring the stu­di­es. Qu­e­sti­on­na­i­re was fil­led by 328 stu­dents from 17 fa­cul­ti­es, 5 hig­her scho­ols and 2 aca­de­mi­es, mostly men (84,1%) from en­ti­re re­gion of Ko­so­vo and Me­to­hi­ja, pre­do­mi­nantly from big­ger ci­ti­es and the­ir sur­ro­un­dings. The ma­jo­rity of the stu­dents we­re from the Fa­culty of Law (27), Sto­ma­to­logy (25), Tec­hni­que (22), Mi­ning and Ge­o­logy (21), Ci­vil En­gi­ne­e­ring and Mat­he­ma­tics (20) and Eco­nomy (19). The gre­at ma­jo­rity (c.80%) was at­ten­ding the first three years, the mi­no­rity was ap­pro­ac­hing the end of the­ir stu­di­es, and the­re we­re only 19 gra­du­a­tes. Over 80% of the stu­dents we­re bet­we­en 19 and 26 years old, and the rest we­re the ol­der stu­dents who eit­her to­ok the­ir ti­me or star­ted the­ir stu­di­es la­ter. Ac­cor­ding to the na­ti­o­nal bre­ak­down, the­re we­re 45.7% Serbs, 23.1% Mon­te­ne­grins, 24.1% Al­ba­ni­ans, 4.3% was the rest and 2.7% was un­de­ci­ded. Mo­re than half of the stu­dents (53.6%) we­re in the Le­a­gue of Com­mu­nists, and many we­re ac­ti­ve in pro­fes­si­o­nal, spor­ting, so­cial and cul­tu­ral as­so­ci­a­ti­ons and clubs. Mo­re than half of the stu­dents of all na­ti­o­na­li­ti­es to­ok part in fe­de­ral wor­king ac­ti­ons. Al­most 60% of the stu­dents we­re re­ci­pi­ents of scho­lar­ships from the lo­cal aut­ho­ri­ti­es or com­pa­ni­es, whi­le the rest we­re sup­por­ted by the­ir pa­rents or we­re re­ce­i­ving so­me sort of aid. Al­most 90% of the re­ci­pi­ents of scho­lar­ships we­re men, and 56.4% we­re the mem­bers of the Le­a­gue of Com­mu­nists. Ac­cor­ding to the na­ti­o­na­li­ti­es bre­ak­down, 54.7% Ser­bian stu­dents, 47.4% of Mon­te­ne­grin stu­dents and 83.5% of Al­ba­nian stu­dents we­re on the sti­pend.

  • Issue Year: 2007
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 79-91
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Serbian
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