Theories And Paradigms In Sociology Cover Image

Teorije i paradigme u sociologiji
Theories And Paradigms In Sociology

Author(s): Petar Hafner
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Универзитет у Нишу
Keywords: sociological theory; sociological paradigm; classification

Summary/Abstract: This paper presents the interpretations of sociological science fundamental categories - conceptual and structural explanations of the sociological theory and sociological paradigm, as well as the examples of their classification. Ritzer's definition of sociological theory was approved. He considers it a form of scientific theory by which smaller or greater systems of scientific laws and hypotheses on the society as a whole or on some societal phenomena are established through the application of scientific research methods. Several elements may be distinguished in the sociological theory structure - concept, variable, statement and form (J. H. Turner). The sociological paradigm is defined as a fundamental picture of the society (concept, structure and society dynamics) which has been more or less accepted by the association of sociologists in certain periods of this science development. In this respect, the author discusses old and new sociological paradigms that mutually differ with regard to the theories, methods and instruments applied in learning about the society in its totality. Taking into account the temporal, content-subject and validity criteria, sociological theories are classified in two groups: a) classical sociological theories (positivistic, mechanistic, biologist, psychologist, Marxist, formal-sociological and cyclic theories of society) and b) modern sociological theories (behavioral theories, functionalism, structuralism and critical societal theory).

  • Issue Year: 1998
  • Issue No: 05
  • Page Range: 465 - 469
  • Page Count: 5
  • Language: English
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