Several remarks on the role of rhetoric in humanistic education Cover Image

Kilka uwag na temat roli retoryki w kształceniu humanistycznym
Several remarks on the role of rhetoric in humanistic education

Author(s): Imelda Chłodna-Błach
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Fundacja »Lubelska Szkoła Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej«
Keywords: rhetoric; humanities; education; Western civilization

Summary/Abstract: In her article the Authoress considers the role of rhetoric in liberal education and answers to the question whether and why it is worthy to learn rhetoric? Rhetoric is helpful as the skill of correct telling, reading and writing, correct reasoning and argumentation, skill of analysis and interpretation of texts, leadership of discussion, debates and negotiation. It includes the theoretical skills, that is at least the basic knowledge of theory of language as well as the practical knowledge of native language. Teaching of linguistic theory can be the introduction to logic, psychology or philosophy, as this was in classical teaching. Except of intellectual tasks, teaching of the art of rhetoric has its influence on molding ethical and social feelings, can be also the school of aesthetical education. The skill of using words with knowledge and ability has the huge significance, both in our individual as and social life.

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 21
  • Page Range: 155-159
  • Page Count: 5
  • Language: Polish
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