Pozityvios įtakos veiksniai šeimos nariams, ugdantiems proto negalią turinčius vaikus
Factors that positively influence family members who educate children with intellectual disabilities
Author(s): Sigitas Jurkštas, Kęstutis PukelisSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
Keywords: Proto negalia; Pozityvi įtaka; Šeima; Ugdymas; Streso įveikimas Intellectual disability; Positive influence; Family; Education; Coping with stress
Summary/Abstract: Neįgalieji ne tik sukelia problemas, kaip atskleidžiama daugelyje tyrimų, bet ir gali prisidėti prie jų ugdytojų vertybių konstruktyvaus perkeitimo, charakterio ir dorybių ugdymo, išmokyti švelnumo ir meilės, padėti atsiverti kitiems kenčiantiesiems, priartinti prie Dievo. Stresas, kurį dėl neįgalaus vaiko išgyvena šeima, dažnai susiaurina matymo lauką ir situacija ima atrodyti be išeities. Šiame tyrime bandoma ieškoti realiai egzistuojančių pozityvios įtakos veiksnių, kurie gali perkeisti požiūrį, suteikti jėgų ir pakeisti pačią situaciją, panaudoti ją kaip priemonę asmenybei augti ir gilesniam santykiui su Dievu ir kitais žmonėmis užmegzti. The aim of this study is to reveal the factors that positively influence family members who nurture persons with intellectual disabilities. There have been many studies about the problems that arise when nurturing persons with intellectual disabilities. But only few of them also discuss positive influence made by persons with disabilities to those who nurture them. Lack of studies of positive factors related to persons with disabilities can negatively influence an overall attitude towards them. This study analyses concrete experience of 6 women of nurturing persons with intellectual disabilities – their children or other relatives. The respondents of the empirical qualitative study were Kaunas residents, members of the communities of “Faith and Light” uniting families raising children with disabilities. The persons they nurtured had Down syndrome or autism. These women have answered 11 questions on the factors positively influencing their life with disabled persons. The qualitative content analysis of the answers gave 85 interrelated factors that positively influence families who nurture persons with intellectual disabilities. These factors were classified into 4 categories (acceptance of help; efforts of parents or caregiver; the gift and efforts of a child with disabilities; fruits of nurturing a person with disabilities) and 18 subcategories. These factors can show families having persons with disabilities and undergoing difficulties which things can positively influence their situation, help to change their attitude towards the disabled person and his/her disability, and find strength to cope with stressful situations.
Journal: SOTER: religijos mokslo žurnalas
- Issue Year: 80/2014
- Issue No: 52
- Page Range: 113-126
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Lithuanian