Rus Çarı I. Pavel Dönemi Osmanlı-Rus Siyasi İlişkileri ve Napolyon’a Karşı Ortak Mücadele
Turko-Russian Political Relations in the Era of the Russian Czar Pavel I and the Common Battle Against Napoleon
Author(s): Serhat KuzucuSubject(s): History
Published by: Karadeniz Araştırmaları Merkezi
Keywords: Russia; Ottoman Empire; Napoleon; Egypt; Mediterranean
Summary/Abstract: It is observed that political relations between the Russian and Otto-man empires were always shaped in warfare conditions and a run-ning battle throughout history. During the last three centuries of the Ottoman Empire, Russia was the primary state and rival, which the empire had to fight and resist. The main reason of this struggle between the two states was the Russian ideas and plans over on the Ottoman lands and accordingly the formers infringements on territo-rial rights. However, this combative and tense environment died down to some extent in the era of the Russian Czar Pavel I (1796-1801). Moreover, Russia and Ottoman Empire concluded even a tre-aty of alliance against Napoleon for the first time in the history, and conducted war against France in Egypt and other places in the Medi-terranean.
Journal: Karadeniz Araştırmaları
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 38
- Page Range: 75-87
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Turkish